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Please spoiler me this one thing

CazadorSirenas April 5, 2024 5:05 pm

Does she ever learn about the boy still being abused and mistreated by the father?
Does anything change about it or is a rinse and repeat?

    joufflues May 21, 2024 1:47 am

    he never gets an apology, the best he gets is: FL gets sick, Duke needs something from the ML so -> shitty halfassed "my bad" about him ABUSING THE ML HIS WHOLE LIFE, thats it. thats all he gets. and the FL NEVER HELPS THE ML EVER, ALL SHE DOES IS MAKE EXCUSES FOR THAT STUPID FUCKING DUKE AND LAPS UP THE LOVE HE GIVES HER WHILE WATCHING HIM HORRIFICALLY BEAT HIS SON, THE ML, HALF TO DEATH AND RUIN HIS LIFE ACTIVELY AND START PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE AND ALL SHE DOES IS "oh, i have all of this social/emotional power in this family, i guess i should tell the duke 'me sad when you BEAT YOUR FUCKING SON'" and the duke goes 'oh! she doesnt want to SEE it, ill just CONTINUE FUCKING BEATING HIM'. and then later(IMEAN LIKE BY THE TIME HES ALMOST 19 IM PRETTY FUCKING SURE, MAYBE 22 IDFK) he realizes "yeah, i just hated him bc his eyes were blue or some shit, i feel a little bad about that" BUT HE DOESNT STOP BEATING HIM AND ABUSING HIM??? HE ACKNOWLEDGES IT BUT STOP FUCKING BEATING HIM, OR LIKE, HE "lessens" it... YOU B DEGGDF YOURE STILL BEATING A CHILD AND YOU STILL HAVE A HISTORY OF ABUSE UNDER YOUR GREASY FUCKING BELT. AND THE FL KNOWS ABOUT IT THE WHOLE TIME, SHE KNOWSSSS THAT THE ML GOT BEATEN, SHE KNOWSSSS THAT HES BEING BEATEN, SHE READ THE BOOK, AT THIS POINT SHES LIVED TWO LIVES, AND SHE KNOWSSSS WHATS HAP[PENING TO THE CHILD ML, AND WHAT DOES SHE DO???????? "teehee, heres a grape or something, instead of asking father to change things or something or whatever, im going to tell you to do everything dealing with the duke, and when you get beaten for just breathing, ill get upset, but not bc you physically cant walk bc youre being abused, but bc you wont be able to play with me :)" gnhsslsIJOSRTWH; H USBHHUT UG I9 SHHUTY SBHUHT Q UOPHJ I09 TRH IM I ACTUALLY CANT HANDLE IT THIS MANUAHHU MANBRGHUOJ I HJ TIHJO TIJOGT OIJ DUDE AND THE APOLOGY IS LESS TYHAN A CHAPTER LONG, WITH NO TEARS NO NOTHING, THE ML DOESNT EVEN BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THE DUKE OR EVEN LIKE, SLAP HIM, ITS LIKE 6 PANELS LONG AND THE DUKE DOESNT EVEN CRY, AND EVEN GETS COMFORTED?? OH MY GODDDDD DUKE KILL YOURSELF!!!!!!!ijoggtr sj