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sweety1997 April 6, 2024 2:56 am

I recommend you the movie "the whale". Is with a very famous actor, who was sa'd in real life by some Hollywood bigwig and spiralled down into depression and ptsd because of all the shit he went through after that. It's his amazing cameo, where he plays an obese man with issues.

Gist and a mini spoiler of the story is, that he is someone who came out gay later in life and divorced his wife. He found a lover and they were super happy and lived together. But his lover had deeeeeeep religious trauma. So this dude went and committed suicide, because of all the religious indoctrination that was eating him from inside, while he was with his lover. Like this contrast of him loving this man so much, versus the shit he grew up with hearing all his life, it destroyed his mind. Is so sad. And not a one time thing.
