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They remind me of the jug and cup theory. Circus is the big jug constantly overflowing whi...

Kai April 6, 2024 9:20 am

They remind me of the jug and cup theory. Circus is the big jug constantly overflowing while Skylar is the dry cup.

I love how truly raw and vulnerable this story is. Typically in these kinds of stories the couple go through hardship and then get together and everything is rainbow and sunshine’s but this story shows the harsh reality of how damaged people are not fixed through the power of love.

That baby needs to move away from them all and start a new life. Skylar will not be able to handle that poor babies overwhelming emotions and will just end up pushing circus to the brink, even when he doesn’t mean to. That’s the sad thing about hurt people, it’s hard to constantly be there for them because it is overwhelming and ends up making them agitated and tired too. And the worse thing about everything that happened to circus, he doesn’t know any better and will continue to seek out that impure validation to the point where he’ll lose it.

    shiina April 6, 2024 9:41 am

    that's the first time I heard about that theory! thanks for sharing. idk if you're aware of the latest chapter but you actually got it right but I dont want to spoil you any further