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Sugar Daddy

bred April 6, 2024 2:12 pm

She keeps making up scenarios where he abandons her for his new wife. Like yea he needs to take a wife but even then the wife would be the neglected one since she is the one with his core he will be putting his attention on HER not his new wife so those scenarios would be reversed. But i guess she’s afraid he will throw her away and keep her captive since she had his core so i get it.

    Yonico April 6, 2024 5:21 pm

    He has never once said he would marry her or not be king and get married, so I definitely feel like she’s valid in feeling the way she does, because he has never cleared up any of their misunderstandings, only that he cares for her. He hasn’t even told her he loves her for her not because of his core

    bred April 7, 2024 9:43 pm
    He has never once said he would marry her or not be king and get married, so I definitely feel like she’s valid in feeling the way she does, because he has never cleared up any of their misunderstandings, onl... Yonico

    ur right, they both have issues and need to communicate NOWW