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I realized that my cousin who I considered my sister because I was an only child she doesn...

KinariXana April 6, 2024 4:46 pm

I realized that my cousin who I considered my sister because I was an only child she doesn't feel same . She only hung up with me in my childhood because my parets gave her money and gifts Not in a bad way, my family was poor and my parets were blessed in life and they wanted to share our blessings. I was so clingy wirh her since I wanted siblings and of course she used me. In therapy found out she wasn't kind and gently, she stole many thing from me and told me a lot of hurtful things. I lost my parents, my health, I'm unployed, someone commit fraud and stole my house and I've no money. I tried something horrible to myself and she doesn't care at all. I tried to talk to her but she's always busy. She's always promised to visit me and the last minute cancel without notice me before ehile I'm waiting. I realized since I lost everything I unworthy to her because she can't used me or steal something from me. This breaks my heart
