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I'm just glad the seme was straightforward with him and didn't fool him just to get his as...

Deedee April 7, 2024 1:11 am

I'm just glad the seme was straightforward with him and didn't fool him just to get his as.s. He might be a jerk but he's not a lier. I also liked the fact he asked to stop if uke wanted to. I was worried we'll get another SA type of plot. Now I can enjoy this BL even better as I know that seme will be the protecting Yeomin from everything and everyone in the near future <3

    blue April 7, 2024 1:12 am

    he literally did trick him, he used him because he young and naive if he was a good guy he wouldn’t bother with a college student.

    blue April 7, 2024 1:13 am

    and he was never truly straightforward with his intentions up until now. god this is gonna be another argument yall ignorant people would rather die on a hill for