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Lord pls get Caisy outta here

April 7, 2024 1:31 am

New chapter with Caisy and you see the same people or diff ppl using the same exact words to tell you about how they hate her and want her gone. Can't wait for y'all to switch up when she helps MC because and say shit like "She's annoying but.."

DISCLAIMER FOR ILLITERATE PEOPLE : I'm not saying you can't hate Caisy. I'm saying it's annoying seeing the same hate comments again and again every chap solely because you can't handle a charac.

There's so many things to discuss about this webtoon and y'all focus on Caisy. We could be talking about Arte and how unjust and cruel his death was; to be murdered by the same people who you thought would save you. We could be talking about Heathcliff's grief and his "final" battle with Caisy and we could be talking about how Caisy genuinely did not want James Moriarty to be the mastermind and gave him the opportunity to say it wasn't him because the truth is that Caisy respects and admires James Moriarty.

This arc showing what actually happened and what went through their minds is so interesting and you guys focus on hating a character over and over. Where are my lore enthusiasts

    April 7, 2024 1:35 am

    Very few of you actually take the time to dissect and discuss about the characters' personalities and how they're written and instead focus on different things. Because it's so obvious that Caisy is a flawed character who is more than just "an arrogant detective that can't solve cases properly" and if you guys actually read the entire thing you can see that.

    The entire arc was so good, Caisy finally knowing what happened, Moriarty manipulating Caisy and showing how Heathcliff is willing to use other people as pawns for his plans and more. Shout-out to my loyal boy Hans, my second favorite EVER