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Skylar was suppose to go to therapy...???

Suibian^^ April 7, 2024 4:32 am

Skylar was suppose to be going to therapy so what's wrong with him?! I guess the doctor was so bad a his job that he only send him drugs, because Sky didn't take his treatment seriously, besides he has problems to control his anger and go for fists, i know Cirrus behavior wasn't the best but he was also bullied and hit by his dad then sky goes and also hits him like is normal for him at this point because i don't remember him hitting back.
Sometimes i wonder how Sky came to like Cirrus. He liked Chan-il but it's also said that he liked him because he sees his ex-friend in him, Cirrus isn't even his type maybe he wanted to try, but he keeps pushing away Cirrus. I hope Sky can get through his trauma.
If he's not sure and are going to hide and push him away just don't start a relationship, he can just support him as a friend.
I'm really worried for Cirrus he feels to much, since young was negleted, bullied and SA, he dosen't have anyone he trust. I think he sees Chang-Li as his friend but is jealous and resent him because he has a family and people that loves him, also thinks Chanil pitys him( we don't know). Cirrus is starving for love to have someone that loves, worrys for him and gives him attention. He needs therapy, but without someone by his side it be dificult. I'm worried he'd choose $u¡cide.
I hope he dosen't end alone and Locked like a crazy person or worse dead. He deserves to be happy
