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Still on ch 157 ༼;´༎ ༎༽ 

Sweets April 7, 2024 9:52 am

I just dont want to continue. Skipped ahead to ch 185 cause lovely user Usotsuki mention MC getting her hair cut and I thought something cool happened. No. Nothing. It was a nothing sandwich. Only thing I really learned is that she's still in her Idol Arc and creepy stalker is still creepy, a stalker and slowly getting physically violent.

I'm so tired of this manhwa now. I know tons of other people have mentioned it but I was actually stoked at the beginning cause the plot and direction seemed cool and the art is so so pretty. I was ready for an absolute bad ass who wants to actually save her family. I'm a slut for strong FL.

I'm so disappointed and Idol Arc is just irritating. Like I'm all for looong stories. I love multiple arcs in a story (a la DBZ) but, none of the arcs for this story even make me feel endeared to MC or any other character for that matter.

tldr: witfh is even going on anymore? What's the point? Also fuck family, I just wanna be famous.
