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The art style actually improved. I guess people are complaining about the color tone/ colo...

anon April 7, 2024 11:22 pm

The art style actually improved. I guess people are complaining about the color tone/ color grading??? It doesn't look as depressing compared to earlier chapters.

The art is more vivid and not as muted. Less eye bags and shadows on the characters and the surroundings too. The scenes and characters are more closeup, more in your face and not as far away.

I don't see much difference in the art style until I saw it was being argued over in the comments. I don't particularly care that it changed because like I said, I don't notice much of a difference. I care more about what happens next and because I'm reading this for free in an illegal site. So I really have nothing to complain about.

But I do get the point others are complaining about. Although the new color tone is dramatic/ kinda cinematic? Vignette-y Like the ones they do in flashbacks (thats the feel I get from it anyways).

It should be more shadows and less vibrancy in color or highlight (correct me if I'm wrong as I have no knowledge in digital art).

Since the theme of this manhwa is dark, that should reflect in the art - especially in the scenes where there's r@pe and SA. Because in the "new art", it sets the tone that it's not as bad as it looks or that's what's being translated to the other readers. That it romanticizes those themes, when this work is the opposite.
