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River is giving Bella Swan energy

Witchery April 8, 2024 1:39 am

Ugh I don’t understand why authors seem to be incapable of creating modern straight romances where the woman doesn’t just randomly fall in love with any toxic/marginal guy after he shows her the barest of human decencies. I get that she’s grateful he’s helping pay off her debts because he felt sorry after sleeping with her without realizing she was purchased for him. From another perspective, whether he knew it or not, he slept with someone who had been trafficked and was under the impression that they needed to please him in order to be freed. That could definitely land him in hot water legally and socially. I get that he wanted to avoid a scandal, but the right thing to do would have been to turn in his friend who buys kidnapped women from the mafia for sex (instead of basically refunding him to “free” her) to protect other women and hopefully get the entire human trafficking ring shut down. He then uses her fear of the mafia as leverage to get her to agree to be his fuckable live-in baby incubator. Him paying for her aunt’s medical bills is practically unspoken hush money in the hopes that she will be so grateful that she won’t take her story to the cops or press.
