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Not sure but ML is really hard to read. It might be the artstyle but he sometimes looks re...

san’s amnesia April 8, 2024 2:00 am

Not sure but ML is really hard to read. It might be the artstyle but he sometimes looks really worried instead of annoyed. It’s like he’s just acting like a jerk. Honestly, it could be bad writing tho I don’t see much hope for our MC as well but i’m still really invested into the plot! And I wanna see ML chasing the MC, as long as MC won’t be too unlikeable ;;;

    disposable April 12, 2024 8:32 am

    Actually I think he does care but he just dislikes the mc because mc himself openly shows he hates him (remember he commented that whenever he would look back, mc is glaring and mc himself says he is jealous of ml's life because that used to be his life)