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Who would waste time being in love with someone for 10 years who isn’t even the same sex...

Riva_phoneix April 8, 2024 2:17 am

Who would waste time being in love with someone for 10 years who isn’t even the same sexuality as you and there is no chance of anything happening. Not to mention the deception because his friend doesn’t even know his busy jerking off to his clothes and sniffing him. Seriously dude needed to get a grip a long time ago. His friends life progresses meanwhile he is just stagnant not moving anywhere. That is just pathetic. Sorry not sorry. Puppy seme is his perfect chance to move on with his life.

    SkepticCyndaquil April 8, 2024 7:20 am

    I used to think the same way (i used to find him pathetic and annoying) bc as an aroace i've never experienced having a crush, so i don't know how it feels....... but after seeing comments of ppl here and remembering stories of my friends' unrequited love i can totally understand now.

    To him it might've not felt like a waste of time at all..... some ppl think that just spending time with the person you've fallen for, even knowing you're incompatible, even if it's just a fraction of happiness, is enough for them.
    Other ppl stick around an unrequited love bc, deep down, they never lose hope that the other person might change their mind and like them back..... which is completely irrational and imposible in most cases, but love doesn't care about being rational........ that's why the news of the manager's engagement was DEVASTATING for Geon, did you see the look in his face???? Poor him, good thing he doesn't drink alcohol.......

    But yeah, it is pathetic, and he knows it. He also notices how he's stagnant. It hurts him, this love that he can't get rid of has made him this way. It's beautiful, in a way, but most of all tragic and damaging. ╥﹏╥

    ......Can you tell i love stories about unrequited love? lol sorry if my essay doesn't make any sense, i just took my sleeping pills LMAO

    DEANFLUENZA April 15, 2024 4:15 am
    I used to think the same way (i used to find him pathetic and annoying) bc as an aroace i've never experienced having a crush, so i don't know how it feels....... but after seeing comments of ppl here and remem... SkepticCyndaquil

    ive never been in love either and truly adore unrequited love stories, so your paragraph made total sense to me and it truly put into words why these stories are so good (im not making much sense either as i just woke up)