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It's hard to tell positions on this one but my guess is...the yankee is the bottom?

Norn April 8, 2024 3:34 am

It's hard to tell positions on this one but my guess is...the yankee is the bottom?

    fuckin yo mama ass hole April 8, 2024 3:37 am

    Y’all niggas so aggy

    Techno-chan April 8, 2024 3:43 am

    Js enjoy the story bro

    Kazutoraslover April 8, 2024 4:47 am


    Sukuita April 8, 2024 5:22 am

    Wth they're just speculating, why so many freaking downvotes? And what's with the replies? I personally don't read anything with twink bottoms so I like to know ahead to avoid the story. It's none of your business there's no need to be pretentious

    lonelysai April 8, 2024 5:30 am
    Wth they're just speculating, why so many freaking downvotes? And what's with the replies? I personally don't read anything with twink bottoms so I like to know ahead to avoid the story. It's none of your busin... Sukuita

    1. Those are minors so you shouldn’t even be looking at them like that
    2. It’s weird to assume every bl is gonna have smut in it. The person who made the comment is fetishzing bl mangas and that’s weird

    lonelysai April 8, 2024 5:30 am

    Those are minors. Stop fetishzing bl

    microwave April 8, 2024 5:47 am

    That's weird.

    Sukuita April 8, 2024 5:48 am
    1. Those are minors so you shouldn’t even be looking at them like that 2. It’s weird to assume every bl is gonna have smut in it. The person who made the comment is fetishzing bl mangas and that’s weird lonelysai

    1. Lmao (a) this is fiction (b) minors also have sex in what world are you living in
    2. This is tagged yaoi it's gonna have smut. If it was tagged shoumen ai it wouldn't have smut. You must be new to this site if you don't know this.

    People just throw around words willy-nilly without understanding their meaning. Fetishisation means having a sexual fixation on a non-living object or a trait of a person(for ex, their race) that isn't in itself sexual. "Fetishizing bl mangas", reading bl mangas does not equate to fetishisation. This is so absurd, I can't believe someone thinks like that. Your thought process and especially this argument is weird.

    Kokichi April 8, 2024 5:50 am
    1. Those are minors so you shouldn’t even be looking at them like that 2. It’s weird to assume every bl is gonna have smut in it. The person who made the comment is fetishzing bl mangas and that’s weird lonelysai

    Right?? Can’t believe this isn’t common sense not to fucking mention while yes a lot of bls do have stereotypical hetro tropes (women= bottom because their short and skinny feminine looking, top= male, tall usually way more buff and masculine ) doesn’t mean EVERY bl is going to have them and that’s even fucking better cause it’s getting rid of those stereotypes but people refuse to learn and acknowledge that not to mention their FUCKING MINORS so it’s even more weird

    lonelysai April 8, 2024 5:54 am
    Right?? Can’t believe this isn’t common sense not to fucking mention while yes a lot of bls do have stereotypical hetro tropes (women= bottom because their short and skinny feminine looking, top= male, tall... Kokichi


    Sukuita April 8, 2024 5:57 am
    Those are minors. Stop fetishzing bl lonelysai

    There are countless bl in which "minors" have sex. This is fiction. Even irl minors have sex, teenagers are horny. If you have a problem with bl showing teenagers having sex why don't you go after the thousands of western movies and tv shows which show minors having sex? By your logic those "minors" should also not be shown having sex. Yet I've never heard people like you expressing any disgust for them.
    Why only come after bl? LGBTQ content should not be sanitized either. Plus these are just drawings, no real, actual "minor" is having sex.

    And learn to use the meaning of words you use next time. Look up my comment above. You can't "fetishize" bl.
    This is a good site for more info. It also debunks many harmful ideas that people have about bl and fujoshis.

    Sukuita April 8, 2024 6:12 am
    Right?? Can’t believe this isn’t common sense not to fucking mention while yes a lot of bls do have stereotypical hetro tropes (women= bottom because their short and skinny feminine looking, top= male, tall... Kokichi

    You have a lot of weird ideas about bl. Research first. I understand the frustration with having so many twink bottoms in bl but what you're saying is very homophobic. Your first mistake is equating het sex to gay sex. This view that the one who takes it up the ass is not manly, is feminine, is a woman is very harmful. This is what homophobes say to real gay men. Plus even woman can be on top so this is also sexist.

    The people who make these bl make it for their enjoyment. If they like twink bottom and buff top then they can do whatever the hell they want. Unfortunately for me, that's the majority.

    These "minors" you're talking about are not real. This is fiction. Even irl minors have sex. Western media shows "minors" having sex. There are hundreds and thousands of bls which show "minors" having sex. If you can't stand underage sex don't read it. No need to make it a morality issue. You're so ignorant of both reality and bl so don't speak about it. And if you have to speak then go after everything from the western movies and tv shows to all the bls and novels and fanfictions and other art as well as hounding teenagers who had sex before they became adults. Commit to the cause and don't be hypocrite.

    Kokichi April 8, 2024 6:15 am

    U saying “why only come after bl?” Is pretty dumb and makes for a weak argument in a writer’s sense because bl is the topic at hand so no we would in fact not be talking about anything else EXCEPT for the topic at hand unless you are using it as a comparison and if not then it makes for a weak argument.
    U can fetishize bl ? Don’t know who told you that??? Just like how u can fetishize a lot of things? Like skin, eyes, race, SEXUALITY, GENDER and so much fucking more?? It has been stated by many people even ACTUAL GAY MEN THEMSELVES WHO READ/WRITE BL that you can indeed fetishize bl same for wlw (which I always find to be a weird double standard but that’s a conversation for another time) I want to hear it get debunked by a gay man himself and not just one but multiple cause not just one person can speak on behalf of a whole community
    just reading the books isn’t fetishization in it itself but other things are, for example a white person fetishizing a black persons skin/race if you get it you get it ik it seems like a weird comparison as it’s about race and this is about sexuality/gender there’s been so many videos, books etc. showing women fetishize and be creepy to gay men irl and in books because they read bl just like how it’s the opposite for wlw.
    Ofc minors have sex there is literally no denying that but what is weird to me is coming to a ROMANCE BOOK (main focus is the romance, the development, the story NOT the sex) where it only has ONE chapter out only sharing the chactrrs interacting and their personalities,introductions etc. and only caring for the sex when there’s erotica books for that, that’s weird to me!

    microwave April 8, 2024 6:19 am
    There are countless bl in which "minors" have sex. This is fiction. Even irl minors have sex, teenagers are horny. If you have a problem with bl showing teenagers having sex why don't you go after the thousands... Sukuita

    Having sex is not the weird thing..minors have sex among themselves and nothing's weird about that.Assuming which one is the top and which one is the bottom is definitely weird while reading a story with minors.There's gonna be sex in it as the tag says but let's just leave it for the time when it comes.Maybe just enjoy the story instead of worrying about who's gonna top whom...I don't think that affects the story anyhow. And the "fetish"I have studied also means an interest in an activity or object that makes someone spend an unreasonable amount of time doing it or thinking about it.That's probably what the other comments here mean.And the thing about why come only after bl is because top and bottom is probably its concept only..I have never seen this unless and until it's a femdom story

    Kokichi April 8, 2024 6:28 am

    And what I said is literally supposed to be homophobic and harmful because that’s literally what the stereotype is??? While yes women can be top im talking ABOUT STEREOTYPES THAT GAY MEN HAVE BEEN SPEAKING UP ABOUT FOR YEARSSSS AND YET PEOPLE REFUSE TO LISTEN??? I’ve seen videos, TikTok’s, story’s of gay men using this analogy themselves I even seen other people in the community use it because it is a stereotype guess what? STEREOTYPES are HARMFUL!

    Crazy I gotta say this because u didn’t seem to get it and understand, what I said was quite literally the stereotype that is being used in many bls and lots of other books and my big point was (that u somehow missed which is surprising since u so called researched) was the fact that the stereotype IS HARMFUL AND SEXIST DUH???

    My point was that bl’s are using that harmful stereotype and are projecting? Idk how u missed that and idk how to spell it out more than I already have? Twins exist no shit I’m a gay man MYSELF so???
    But no where in my comment did I state I had a problem with twinks in bl? That’s literally what you said?? “I personally don’t read anything with twink bottoms” is that not what u said? Or am I getting it mixed up with someone else?
    They can make what they want it’s just the story’s that use harmful stereotypes that are the problem and people like this that are a problem for me as a gay man but you have ur opinion and I have mine I do however suggest you see the perspective of actually lgbtq members and see their perspective their are many sides and opinions on this matter but one does not speak for many is what I will say

    Lalal April 8, 2024 6:55 am

    Lol.. the comments just fighting.. i swear its not that deep..

    KatTheKat April 8, 2024 7:00 am

    I was following then I got lost ( ̄∇ ̄")
    I didn't see anything wrong with original comment? Its a Yaoi... They're gonna do the deed- maybe everyone should drop it now?

    I considered questions like this to be just banter?? Again, THIS IS A YAOI manga so either be pissed in the comments at us, the readers... Or author?? Idk where the argument is anymore- ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Sukuita April 8, 2024 7:02 am
    Having sex is not the weird thing..minors have sex among themselves and nothing's weird about that.Assuming which one is the top and which one is the bottom is definitely weird while reading a story with minors... microwave

    I enjoy the story more when I know who's the top and bottom. It affects my enjoyment. I don't like twink bottoms and damsel-in-distress bottoms etc. I also like gap moe and contrasting personalities so if in this story the black guy is bottom then I won't read it further. Why waste my time with something I don't like.
    It's also not true that top/bottom doesn't affect the story, they do and that's manifested in tropes. Twink bottom/buff top or buff bottom/twink itself is a trope and sometimes the characters's personality is also reflected by it.

    Tl:dr You cannot dictate how someone else should enjoy a story. Everyone has different tastes and criteria. And this is fiction these are not real "minors" and so people can assume as much as they want. They are drawings I can imagine if this drawing likes to take up its pixelated ass. These characters are for our fantasy.

    Your definition of fetishisation is not correct. It absolutely doesn't mean that.

    Top and bottom is not a bl thing but I can't blame you for thinking that when it's in bl we see it mostly used. These are labels for queer people and not just limited to gay men. Top simply is someone who penetrates and bottom is someone who is penetrated that's it.
    Lesbians have top bottom postions.
    There are many ways to have sex. Actually most people don't even know the meaning of dom-sub like I've seen so many lists here on mangago with "femdom" or "dom women" in their title when almost none of them are like that. Just because a woman is assertive doesn't mean she's a dom, that's a common mistake. Also Doms can bottom and Subs can top. Penetration isn't necessary for sex. There are verses and switches.
    Then there are trans people and they don't conform to traditional sex positions also. They may if they want to but it's foolish to think that their roles are "fixed" and they can't stray from it. Even in straight relationships, a man may want to be penetrated. Women can penetrate men that's called pegging. There are a few m/f pegging mangas too.

    Kazutoraslover April 8, 2024 7:04 am


    Sukuita April 8, 2024 7:55 am
    And what I said is literally supposed to be homophobic and harmful because that’s literally what the stereotype is??? While yes women can be top im talking ABOUT STEREOTYPES THAT GAY MEN HAVE BEEN SPEAKING UP... Kokichi

    Here's the thing, bl is for women.
    Bl is not reflective of real gay men. It is for women and true men like bl but this is not for them. If gay men want representation they should look for it in geicomi or published novels. Bl is a fantasy for women it's not gonna have what they want.

    Feminine gays do exist, and by reducing their existence and self-expression into "bad stereotypes" poses just as much harm. This rhetoric is weaponised against trans men for being feminine and not being enough "manly".

    You being a gay man isn't the gotcha you think it is. Even women can be sexist. Just because I personally don't like twink bottoms doesn't mean I'm not gonna advocate for others's right to write, draw or enjoy them.