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How I see it and what I predict

Mangomud April 8, 2024 4:18 am

It seems to me that Mido has horrible trauma from getting gang raped as a child and then god knows what else after that. That combined with already having abandonment issues after being dumped in an orphanage could of festered into hatred and a need for revenge. Plus his apparent need or desire to have, dominate and own the MC is his broken mind’s subconscious way of forcibly holding onto that promise of family.
When Mido finally learns the truth of what happened to the MC the day they were supposed to meet up, I hope to see it shatter Mido. Break him down into a million pieces, stripping away all that unfounded hatred, allowing some of the original Mido to shine through. Assuming the weight of guilt and remorse from what he’s done to the MC doesn’t break him.
I’m sure that what the MC went through that night, back at the orphanage, will be something really fucked up. It will have to be if it’s going to stand up to Mido’s trauma, otherwise the story will fall flat.
After that, a redemption arch of massive proportions and then a likely toxic relationship between two fucked up broken individuals is likely. Or maybe some major therapy and self reflection that leads to a healthy forgiving relationship….? Hahaha, yeah right!
