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Ilya Volkov April 8, 2024 11:14 am

The character design for Tak, in terms of both personality and fashion sense kinda suck. Dood's just a really lame character. Like yeah, I get why people would find Sanho annoying, though I actually like Sanho. Dood's immature and may need to calm down a bit at times, but overall he's a good person that mean no harm.

Tak on the other hand... Generic, sht personality, harsh and rude to Sanho as though Sanho has nobody else that will love him. Tak's taking Sanho for granted, and in a very rude, narcissistic way. Man it hurts to be in Sanho's position... it just hits too close to home.

I always root for positive character development for every characters, but this is one of the few pairs where I hope they don't end up together. Sanho deserves better. And not to end up with a narcissist.
