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Lihua April 8, 2024 7:52 pm

There are 4 ending options

1. Hinase turns female and ends up with Ritsu (female childhood friend) - Ch 42, 43

2. Hinase turns female and ends up with Shiori (male childhood friend) - Ch 44

3. Hinase turns male and ends up with Ritsu - Ch 45

4. Hinase turns male and ends up with Shiori - Ch 46, 47

From Ch 41.5 starts these endings options.

Ch 44.5 tells Azusa, the doctor/ Shiori's brother's story.
Ch 44.6 tells Kinoshita's story, the short haired friend of Ritsu.
Ch 47.5 tells Shirogane's story, Shiori's friend and the guy who had a crush on his childhood male friend.

My favorite ending personally is the fourth one. Also, I feel so bad for Shirogane, like give my boy a love interest ffs.

    Sidekick May 20, 2024 10:17 pm

    I enjoy both endings in a same-sex relationship because I feel the author put more thought into them then in the others.

    Neko May 20, 2024 10:52 pm

    Personalmente me hubiese gustado que se quedara tal cual es, sin un género en particular... es una pena que no agregaran un 5 final donde esto suceda... Se siente forzado, si de verdad lo amaran no estarían tan locos con hacerle elegir un genero y simplemente lo aceptarían por lo que es y siempre fue( ̄へ ̄)