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interesting premise, but dropped it

BaconRaptor April 8, 2024 8:21 pm

I thought the premise was really interesting and I really thought the whole thing would take a bit of a darker turn, especially bc of the beginning, but then he's just.. "hehe :p"??
I had hoped that this would be more serious and he'd act more like a classical "evil supervisor" (let's think more like the dokkaebis from orv..) - and I'm kinda confused as to why make him one of those entities and then he's just "ok I'm telling you exactly everything you need to do" he told the sword Empress how to clear the dungeon and the was like "nah, she did it all by herself!!"

also I kinda hate those silly chibi faces, they make me low-key uncomfortable.. so although the premise was interesting, I decided to drop it... if anyone's interested tho, there's sth with a similar premise, but more serious - - >" nebula's civilization" (the MC is not evil in there either, but far more detached from the story, more like a teller in a sense :'D)

    Nizze April 17, 2024 1:01 am

    Yeah... I also thought it would be a more serious/mature comic... I don't know if its novel based but I noticed much of the "serious but with some comic reliefs" balance gets thrown off when adapting to comics... too much chibbies and bright colors maybe...
    And yeah... empress weirdness ain't helping. I hope he gets more contractors besides her... if possible some serious ones, some dark ones, come normal... and that they ain't all females that fall for him...

    BaconRaptor April 17, 2024 8:35 am
    Yeah... I also thought it would be a more serious/mature comic... I don't know if its novel based but I noticed much of the "serious but with some comic reliefs" balance gets thrown off when adapting to comics.... Nizze

    I think it's kinda sad that many of those story's tend to lean towards the comedic side, bc there are some really good serious stories which do not feel depressing despite the lack of comedy, simply bc the story is well written and there are some serious stakes for the MC (although we all know they will make it out from there) - think 31st piece turns the table, or F-class destiny hunter..

    those two I think are good examples of MC and how they'd act after what happened to them.. heck even SSS-class suicide hunter has a realistic acting MC while having a comedic aspect..

    so it's definitely possible to have a comedy aspect in there to lighten things up, but still to make the MC act realistically.. if it were clear from the start that this wasn't going to be a serious story I might have been less disappointed

    Nizze April 17, 2024 2:24 pm
    I think it's kinda sad that many of those story's tend to lean towards the comedic side, bc there are some really good serious stories which do not feel depressing despite the lack of comedy, simply bc the stor... BaconRaptor

    Yep those are good ones. I don't like to blame it being bad on female characters, but on this one it's hard to not associate the ridiculousness with the sword empress behavior.
    It's not just how different she is compared with the initial image mc had of her, she acts abnormally like a child and excessively clingy to mc. I could understand she being actually a bubbly person and becoming even a little dependent on him with her past and all... but it's over-exagerated. If even the mc have to make her "shut up and act serious" in public so she'd have a good image that shows how much of a weirdo she is. That broke up any expectations we had for a more serious comic.
    Seriously, she is worse than Lily from Regressor’s Life After Retirement, and that is an actual child that went through years of worse abuse and is dependent on mc...

    BaconRaptor April 17, 2024 5:00 pm
    Yep those are good ones. I don't like to blame it being bad on female characters, but on this one it's hard to not associate the ridiculousness with the sword empress behavior. It's not just how different she ... Nizze

    yeah, I get you..
    I think she - as rude as it sounds - has ruined the story on multiple ways:
    - her personality doesn't make any sense at all. in the past nobody knew what she's actually like, but I can't think of a reason as to what happened for her personality to change before getting famous, or for her deciding to switch her personality suddenly.
    - she's supposed to be this natural talent with her great skill, but she's never tried sword fighting before? like couldn't she just have googled the name of the dude her skill is named after? if she can find the name of the friend of the dude, then she could certainly have found himself and known that his skill had sth to do with the sword. not even being curious about what your own skill might be is plain ridiculous.
    - there's no room for actual growth or hardships if the first person he contracted with is the top nr 1 person of everything - everyone else can just be worse, so why contract another person (iirc he called his channel sth like sword saintess or whatever). so I doubt there will be anything else.

    it's like once you've reached the top, encountering difficulties in the story sometimes do not make sense anymore. it's an issue I've had with another webtoon too recently - one of the first fights is against one of the top evil guys of the world, and a few ch later he struggles to win against a high-schooler?

    but anyways, back to this one: I think her personality doesn't make sense (like you too said) and her inclusion this early in the story takes away all the possible suspense there could have been (also him telling her everything about anything)

    Nizze April 17, 2024 5:37 pm
    yeah, I get you..I think she - as rude as it sounds - has ruined the story on multiple ways:- her personality doesn't make any sense at all. in the past nobody knew what she's actually like, but I can't think o... BaconRaptor

    Yeah! I do think that was the name of the book and not the library tho... cuz it wouldn't make sense a storyteller that only tells one story.
    About MC... it kinda irks me that he's trying to actively "participate" in the stories he's "telling" I'd rather he acted as a proper guide, I wouldn't even mind him giving things on a silver plater to his contractors... but rn just seems like he's trying to steal their limelight instead of idk.. raising them? Into people strong enough to prevent the future he doesn't want...
    Idk... it could be worse... but with the title I expected more from him and whoever he contracts...