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Thank goodness their couple conflict was resolved in just 1 chapter T.T I WOULD DIE IF THI...

Molan April 8, 2024 11:20 pm

Thank goodness their couple conflict was resolved in just 1 chapter T.T I WOULD DIE IF THIS GETS DRAGGED ON.

Their communication is so good!! It's normal for couple to get into fights from time to time and I love that they both reconciled immediately while acknowledging their faults. Pls that's so matureee

Also for Minato, I was so worried!! He almost got scalded T T i hope no one gets angry at him, he's just a mere toddler ╥﹏╥ i hope next chapter, they will explain to him (in a gentle manner ofc) the dangers of his rash actions so that he could learn smn from it.

    MidKnight April 8, 2024 11:29 pm

    Sorry didn’t mean to put thumbs down