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love this so much!? and ofc something like this wouldn't get a high rating lol (the first ...

tea April 8, 2024 11:31 pm

love this so much!? and ofc something like this wouldn't get a high rating lol (the first one got low rating too and i love that one).

although there was this one part that i thought was really weird. like i can't believe noburu just complimented that girl's legs in front of his bf, he had been very thoughtful throughout so what was that even lol? i know that he didn't like the girl or anything but still, he knew that daichi was a little insecure so why? (or is this a normal behavior? lol). other than that he's gotta be one of the most green flag one out here

    Bobbington May 29, 2024 3:27 am

    Maybe it's more normal in some cultures to comment on other people's bodies? Earlier, they were casually talking about a woman gaining weight. Even in the US there are still people who think it's okay to comment on other's bodies. I think it's a sign of immaturity.