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This was truly relatable and loving

Millie April 9, 2024 5:08 am

i literally found this last night and every chance i got i read it and finished it today and wow. I love tsubaki and i’m really happy she found some good friends and she’s growing her confidence. This is definitely different from other romances i’ve read so if anyone knows anything similar to this with a main character similar to tsubaki can you pls drop the name, that would be AMAZING!!!! I literally don’t even remember how i found this manga. i think i was about to go to bed and randomly saw it and binged read like half of it. (risking my precious sleep but it was worth it) i’m so glad i found it tho.

Also do you guys ever find those really good mangas when you NEED to go to sleep cause it happens too often and i will literally stay up all night just to finish it lol
