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I don’t know, they are both wrong

Suibian^^ April 9, 2024 10:58 am

They are both wrong, but i feel more sad for Cirrus because he is alone, all the people he loved betrayed, died, ignored or leave, his mom, dad, nanny, teacher, even his pink hair friend pushed him aside in school( i know they where kids but he was bullied and that teacher took advantage of all that)
He wants to be accepted and liked by people, sky knows this too. I just don't get why he suggested to date, Cirrus was ok with being friends, more or less.
Sky has trauma too, but he was suppose to be taking therapy( his doctor must be bad at his job as it didn’t work). Sky knows Cirrus problems and i get that is to much for a teenager, still he keeps pushing and pulling Cirrus. At the end even without Cirrus he is not alone, he has people that care and worry for him the prove is he going to therapy. I wish he open to Cirrus too and stops putting up walls.

    nobrain April 10, 2024 3:48 pm

    It's like sky keeps giving those mixed signals