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The way this story has tried not once but multiple times to gaslight the viewers and that ...

M.c. April 9, 2024 3:01 pm

The way this story has tried not once but multiple times to gaslight the viewers and that little girl into believing that their relationship is okay because the little boy emphasis on “LITTLE BOY” (sorry forget his name) is happy. Like wtf both the pedo and the dad should go to jail. They both trying to make her feel guilty if she were to tell the other adults about their disturbing relationship like she has every right!! Seems like she was the only one paying attention to the lectures on stranger danger cuz wth why is this even being allowed in the first place. And the way they’re trying to portray the pedo as a good guy because he’s sooo kind and he wants to wait until the “little boy” is old enough to do anything sexual. Are you even listening to yourself!! Apparently not since he clearly can’t kept his promise as he’s done lewd things multiple times with that child even going so far as to admit that he relieves himself thinking about him which is so gross because he considers it as “cheating” if he were to use other fap material. Overall this whole story is so fucked up and also the way they tried to make it seem like the little boy manipulated the situation so that pedo would be forced to stay in the relationship, as if the little boy is responsible like nooooooo that child can’t be responsible because he is and I will continue to emphasize this… HE IS A LITERAL CHILD. Also the way they tried to be slick and put emit schooler instead of middle schooler to minimize it cuz god knows that child isn’t even in high school yet
