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fantastic. from start to finish, i loved this so so much. it didn't fall prey to any annoy...

SighOrDie April 9, 2024 10:43 pm

fantastic. from start to finish, i loved this so so much. it didn't fall prey to any annoying cliches - instead it had a loving family, healthy and straightforward communication, a simple but steady singular love, strong and well written women, charming and respectful men, a subtle yet tasteful side gay couple, a realistic redemption arc, and all of this without drawing out the plot and maintaining absolutely gorgeous art and characters!! it ended when it needed to, and gave us a wonderfully hopeful ending. this is truly a rare gem and an even rarer find - im so lucky to have stumbled upon it!

i ended up reading it on 1nkr as it's fully translated there, i hate that random groups took the scans off their site and ruined them with 800 watermarks. theres a bunch of clean chapters on b@to as well, I'd recommend going there or ¡nkr for clearer and in-order scans v( ̄ー ̄)v
