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GreenTea April 10, 2024 9:43 pm

Been feeling for a while now like theres a disconnect between now and the beginning of the story. I distinctly remember the manhwa giving off the feel that women, or at least the princesses of the palace, were seen as nothing more than tools for royal marriage by the men an adults. Like theres a distinct expectation of gender roles here, even the brothers are in the matchmaking meetings. It's the whole reason for the title and why the FL started acting out.

But now its like "oh, i actually loved you and you're mother the whole time and would never make you do something you didn't want" like huh? Idk how i'm supposed to believe that when he let his kids grow up thinking they're just pawns. (And for the sisters, they are just pawns for the story). I reread the first few pages and it was like he had no choice. Bitch you are the KING. Neither your son and your wives can go against you, literally what was forcing your hand from making your kids feel like they had some worth?

And NOW her brother wants to be friendly with her? Cause she's different? Cause she's more powerful and useful? Like this is all a BIG fuck you to the rest of her sisters and it doesn't sit right with me. Everybody was treating her special and only the FL didn't know this. Like she's a mary sue in disguise

It makes me also realize how little world building there is outside of the palace and the oddities. What really are the gender roles of this kingdom? The sister's testimony before being married makes it allude to them being strict. If they do exist, why is there no pushback from her becoming a knight? Is it cause she's an oddity? But only her father and maternal family know this. Are the gender roles loose? Then why were sisters treated that way?

Idk like if you ignore this stuff, the story is fine but i've been thinking about this for a while
