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Guys hear me out.. y'all understand right?

issa_ April 11, 2024 12:55 am

AHHH ON GOD IM JUST SO FRUSTRATED! Oky I usually get frustrated by manhwa's and manga's but eventually it gets better cause there's like redemption arc and like the ending makes up for the bad that's happened.

But this... bro.. I felt so bad for chiwoo, and then when it was revealed that hwan behind it, I was so flabbergasted. Like I had a hunch after what sunny said, but ughh his behaviour have me the ick. And the ending was shit.... I *sighs* why did I ruin my day... I was avoiding it with reason "its not complete" and I read it cause the rest on my list are ongoing... man this ruined mood, I'm pissed T_T
