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imo this story is about a type of person

轻轻落下来的叶子 April 11, 2024 3:59 am

like, the mc, she's a nice person, she's just uh very stone-like and when she was young she was foolish. The issue with people like that or her 'fault' is that it takes time to know her true personality. People make assumptions especially when there's a better example beside them of someone who is both nice and open. However, the story correctly points out, people who are openly nice are either stupid or secretly cruel. imo I don't think the sister is evil, but she is stupid. She's uneducated and lacking in sense of place or time or etiquette. She's never had to worry about anything so she doesn't worry about anything, whereas the mc has always had to worry about everything leading to a very blank face.

Someone like the mc who has to learn how to care for people and how to circumnavigate to other's preferences will naturally become 'better' people if they already know how. But the unique combination of her youth and her foolishness makes it so that she becomes stone like and difficult to understand. She doesn't have anyone to explain anything and even if she did the people around her don't talk about it. As such, she becomes isolated because she doesn't know she has people around her and she begins to habour a very uh ig unconscious hate towards the world and her sister. She loves and hates her sister.

Imo, people like this do so because they naturally have the feeling or need to defend themselves. She has to defend against the fear of her lack of ability to match the fiance. Which is also another issue; her inequality in comparison to him. If someone does a cinderella marriage, unless they're a golddigger, it's actually a very bad decision. The inequalities or small differences in habit or living style and structure make people feel like they owe something to make up for their ineptitudes. I feel like a lot of her 'love' isn't really love but a need to become someone who her fiance can see as an equal without feeling like it's pity. At least part of jt is so. So when he falls in love with her sister she can't stand it more because she fears it says something about herself than someone else.

I don't really agree with how the story makes it so that people are more interested in her; imo it's usually the opposite. People like the mc are difficult to communicate with, there's no sudden interest and they're liable to be mistaken.
