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Chapters are cut off so it's hard to understand but I think I'm fine with what I read. I w...

otakumalade April 12, 2024 6:41 am

Chapters are cut off so it's hard to understand but I think I'm fine with what I read. I will drop it.
Ml is an asshole as usual for no fucking reason. Especially when he thinks she was forced into this so why would he treat her like shit. Is it too much to ask to have common decency. If she's your wife and you give her her duties I think you should treat her with the minimum of respect which is not the case from I've seen.
I don't know why they always do these ml where they say 3 words and fuck off. It's so fucking annoying, you're 5, just talk like a fucking adult.

    fairytailpiano42 April 17, 2024 12:36 am

    U clearly didn't read the manga I'm reading. Ur point is understandable reason being the uploads are shit and cuts out plenty which is doing his rep. dirty.
    But he ain't bad just a pushover workaholic stick in the mud. FL would have def. put him on his ass if he overstepped his bounds with her.

    My dude is the greenest green flag compared to every other male in this manga who just seem to have prejudice towards women.