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Crazy how some of yall think cheating is worse then mental and physical abuse and oh wai...

Muegi April 12, 2024 7:40 am

Crazy how some of yall think cheating is worse then
mental and physical abuse and oh wait...murder.

    laudanum April 12, 2024 7:57 pm

    you must be fun at parties

    Muegi April 12, 2024 8:49 pm
    you must be fun at parties laudanum

    I could say the same thing abt you. Like aint no way your brain thinks its okay to defend murder because of cheating. If thats the case get some help.

    laudanum April 13, 2024 7:44 am
    I could say the same thing abt you. Like aint no way your brain thinks its okay to defend murder because of cheating. If thats the case get some help. Muegi

    bro, it's literally not that deep. if u can't separate fiction from reality then i feel sorry for you.

    elle 2.0 April 14, 2024 12:59 am
    bro, it's literally not that deep. if u can't separate fiction from reality then i feel sorry for you. laudanum

    ??? pretty sure they mean in the context of this story of other fictional works. and yes its weird ppl are defending eunsung despite everything he's done

    Kriss April 14, 2024 8:29 pm

    Most of these people have never been in any type of intimate relationship. They have no real concept of romantic relationships or the issues that come with them. They just read these fucked up stories with these extremely toxic relationships, and they live vicariously through these characters. They think cheating is the worse thing ever because they’re lonely virgins who, in a way, take offense to these characters not cherishing something they yearn to have. They kind of remind me of incels, tbh.

    Poopers April 17, 2024 3:49 pm
    ??? pretty sure they mean in the context of this story of other fictional works. and yes its weird ppl are defending eunsung despite everything he's done elle 2.0

    Thank you!!! People will let anything slide if they have a pretty face condoning rape and abuse in fiction is equally just as bad as it’s romanticization of assault and people never learn lessons from stories like these they only wanna rub one out

    Batata April 17, 2024 4:27 pm

    @Kriss are you projecting?
    How do you know this is what they think?

    Batata April 17, 2024 4:29 pm

    I don't think people are supporting seme because he was cheated on, lol

    Muegi April 17, 2024 5:02 pm
    Thank you!!! People will let anything slide if they have a pretty face condoning rape and abuse in fiction is equally just as bad as it’s romanticization of assault and people never learn lessons from stories... Poopers

    For real. Id like to see how the comments were if the top was an ugly fuck.

    Na jieun April 18, 2024 5:22 am
    Most of these people have never been in any type of intimate relationship. They have no real concept of romantic relationships or the issues that come with them. They just read these fucked up stories with thes... Kriss

    Now, those readers are justifying and condoning rape. Gross