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madam, it is thy fault that thy daughter grew a tough bitch because thee had pitied her wh...

Flameo Hotman April 12, 2024 11:38 am

madam, it is thy fault that thy daughter grew a tough bitch because thee had pitied her when thy daughter hath not the need to be pitied and be treated as a sickly wall flower, thy daughter wanted to live as free as a bird and be treated like any other person even if she was terminally ill (◡ ω ◡)

    Flameo Hotman April 12, 2024 11:41 am

    but worst of all they treated Emilia like shit, no wonder Ophelia hated all of them, every single person around Ophelia hurt Emilia, her most important person, so of course they're gonna feel her wrath (≧∀≦)