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2nd story spoiler

Thhe April 12, 2024 4:39 pm

the 2nd story is 3 chapter long the mc found out that all of the rolex guys clothes are rip off but since he doesnt know brand clothes hes thinking maybe he just doesnt know the brand.

They were in a restaurant when the waitress talk to the rolex guy that the card he used is suspended in english i think so mc didnt understand their convo , rolex guy and waitress left mc on the table rolex guy forgot hes phone and it kept ringing bothering mc so he took a peek at the text in its all about the credit card company asking for the payment and that they suspended the card the rolex guy had like 17000 dept.

when the rolex guy returned mc blow up on him at first rolex guy was denying it but when mc mentioned the text he started crying they were being loud so they got kicked out.

at a bench rolex guy explained himself, mc mentioned his addicted to drama and mentioned that the mc in the drama and rolex guy looked a like, rolex guy wanted to be mo like the drama mc so mc would like m
him mo thats why he pretended to be rich he appologized to the mc.

mc forgave him they did the did and talked about how mc wanted to find a life partner although he like the drama mc which are rich he said he wouldve liked rolex guy even if he wasnt rich that wish led mc to join the program.

same with rolex guy he also. wanted a life partner but hes life revolved around home and work so he didnt have time to go on blind date or such.

they returned all the branded gifts that rolex guy gave the mc and the go to an ice cream parlor and that same day is also their last day of vacation they took a photo started their relationship officially ang mc made rolex guy promised he wouldnt lie anymore.

PS: i read it in a site but its in chinese
