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yap session

sun April 12, 2024 7:01 pm

honestly i feel like it would be okay if euihyun would be more insecure about the situation. cause at any point taeju could change his mind and make him start paying and turn the relationship back to what it was when it first started. also being financially dependent on someone else like that when you have a kid to take care of can be scary and trap you into said relationship. their relationship is toxic and this can be the grounds for a disaster happening. I know that EH trusts TJ because of the "redemption" arc he had and everything but i wouldn't blame him if there were lingering fear.

Esp with how terrible their relationship started and what EH had to go through (almost having to sell his body to other men) and basically starting as a prostitute that his debt collector fell for. Kind of a scary situation I do wish the redemption arc was twice as long

But ofc this is just a fictional novel and anything can happen.
