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Help me find this yaoi manga pls and another manga ols

Miranex April 12, 2024 9:51 pm

I remembered. Been trying for days to remember this manga. All I recall is like the protagonist is like a sex slave that got transported into a new world. And he was saved by this big dude. Turns out he is like the mate or partner of these 2 guys. Maybe they're like animals? Not sure.

Not sure actually if I'm confusing 2 stories with similar plot or of it's 1. Anyways he tries to like repay them with sex but they stop him and help him.

The second manga is a normal fantasy one. Like this girl is learning to be a healer. And she can see the missing parts of soul where the wound ism which is apparently impossible to heal. But she can copy a healthy leg onto the damaged one and heal it completely and it's apparently new and rare.

Pls help me.
