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amiifujoshi April 12, 2024 10:23 pm

Bro is forgetting about the fact that he's pregnant.

    Emera April 12, 2024 10:35 pm

    I think he forgot when he threw up that last time. It looked like he got up drowsy to barf then immediately went and passed out again.

    Looks like he never bothered to do more after that so I think he's still preggy and thinks he's not.

    Plus broke alpha boy told Tae everything that happened and I'd assume he told him that euh took the abortion pill. So neither of them know and euh is really ignorant(not his fault btw) due to lack of education

    I personally want him to be pretty but if he's not and they make another baby consensually I'd eat that shit up too

    amiifujoshi April 13, 2024 3:27 am

    I would personally like them to have the child, not because "abortion is wrong" because, I think that this would make their bond stronger. Like, they would get along because of the child. But either way, it's okay if they don't keep the child, they have the crybaby.