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The way everyone rallies for Dan you’d think he was a child. I’m sorry but this is a 3...

Amelieshuman April 12, 2024 11:54 pm

The way everyone rallies for Dan you’d think he was a child. I’m sorry but this is a 30 year old man who can’t go a chapter without crying. His life has been hard and Jaekyung is an asshole but I think he needed to grow a spine and stand his ground for once. Jaekyung and the gym manager weren’t the loan sharks beating him. He should have realized at some point that even with all his yelling and bitching that Jaekyung wasn’t going to actually hit and that he can argue back on the minor things and reconvene for an adult discussion on the bigger ones.
One character be a giant dick doesn’t mean the other wasn’t too much of a crybaby too
