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Although there's a lot of flaws in this story, you have to admit, the author did a pretty ...

Cardia~Chi April 13, 2024 2:14 am

Although there's a lot of flaws in this story, you have to admit, the author did a pretty great job with the characters. People don't realize how impressive it is to make an entire fandom absolutely despise the main characters. Never have I ever been more ecstatic than the time when Jaekyung lost his damn match and ended up hospitalized. And, at some point I had just about given up on Dr D too cuz the way that kid fell for that abusive asshole for no reason at all had me convinced that he was just some passive masochist who was into the all the shitJaekyung put him through. Anyways, Happy Season 1 Finale~~ Can't wait to see how much more I can possibly hate Jaekyung in the next season!
