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WAIT THEY ARE BONDED WITHOUT BEING AWARE????? that’s why they have separation anxiety be...

güneş April 13, 2024 4:22 am

WAIT THEY ARE BONDED WITHOUT BEING AWARE????? that’s why they have separation anxiety because they didn’t mark each other yet???? their second sexes already marked each other as mates maybe that’s why they were feeling like this???? omg

    emenemaxpein April 13, 2024 4:26 am

    Yes i think so too! That could be the case orrr, euihyun is currently experiencing nesting

    güneş April 13, 2024 6:10 pm
    Yes i think so too! That could be the case orrr, euihyun is currently experiencing nesting emenemaxpein

    taeju seems to have similar symptoms too i thought they imprinted on each other but that might be too!