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oh brother this boy is stupid

shithead April 13, 2024 10:01 am

I can't understand how noel still loved the brother, like okay you stayed away with lukas and so you can protect the brother from doing worse.
you already know he is insane enough to do so and you still loved him? then he caused the explosion of the lab and killed like 5 people at least can't remember, sexually harassed rain and blackmailed him to ruin lukas, hired more alphas to fuck with rain and potential assault him....and you still love him?

oh right he was a slut sleeping with people left and right and when he fucked you for like 3 days and chained you in a hotel room to fuck up rain's regardless if you don't give a fuck about omegas how can you see this insane behaviour and think yup I still love him

absolutely no redeeming to the brother. it felt like the author wanted to have a side couple so baaaad she just shitted this

    Mcoll0 April 22, 2024 2:46 pm

    omg exactlyyyy i lowkey hated noel for exact exact reason. like why tf do you like a rapist/murderer/harraser/insane person??? like bffr. I started to hate noel when he got bitchy with rain in that cafe after rain left lukkas. life wtf is he mad at rain for leaving his abuser???? anyway you just reminded me why i dropped <3

    Blueglassmoon April 29, 2024 5:29 am
    omg exactlyyyy i lowkey hated noel for exact exact reason. like why tf do you like a rapist/murderer/harraser/insane person??? like bffr. I started to hate noel when he got bitchy with rain in that cafe after ... Mcoll0

    Not defending lukas, but he did a 180 there and stayed on that degree. Rain deserves better than him ngl but i guess he did redeem himself for the better. Joshua, on the motherfucking hand, can't even turn or stay at 45° because he's shitty and wants his brother to suffer which resulted multiple innocent lives to be ruined. And he still feels he's the victim till the end. I hate Noel for defending him and i hope they stay soooo far away from Rain's family

    Blueglassmoon April 29, 2024 5:32 am
    Not defending lukas, but he did a 180 there and stayed on that degree. Rain deserves better than him ngl but i guess he did redeem himself for the better. Joshua, on the motherfucking hand, can't even turn or s... Blueglassmoon

    The fact motherfucking joshua refused multiple times to help rain even after lukas desperately begged. Btch got out after 6? Nah i can totally see injustice there that mothefcj. I'm sorry i just really hate him