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Their world needs to be under flames god they all are audaciously entitled and manipulativ...

blob April 13, 2024 2:00 pm

Their world needs to be under flames god they all are audaciously entitled and manipulative, they basically kidnap girls then put a ridiculous name on them and a mission to fix a problem that isn’t theirs that would cost them their life and have to either die while doing it or live like a slave for their kingdom surrounded by old geezers forever, the prince doesn’t like her he likes the idea of owning her it’s disgusting, not to mention they are not grateful for neither the mc work that literally saves their ass nor for the “holy maid” since if they did they would at least ask her what she wants in return and work on a method to send her back, but nope they use her and tell her its for her own good or manipulatively say that giving her money is enough for kidnapping her and putting her life on the line against her will.. like the audacity

    blob April 13, 2024 2:02 pm

    I mean look at their vocabulary when discussing the girl, they call her a treasure a miracle but not a young girl that she is it’s dehumanizing in a strange way

    Caster April 13, 2024 2:32 pm

    Right? I was thinking the same. She gets kidnapped, forced to do dangerous work, then once it's done imprisoned and forced to marry and breed. Even it's all done in a luxurious setting I can't help but feel a modern woman would eventually despise that life. Because they now have no choice in their future

    CurrentlyRehabilitating April 13, 2024 2:39 pm
    Right? I was thinking the same. She gets kidnapped, forced to do dangerous work, then once it's done imprisoned and forced to marry and breed. Even it's all done in a luxurious setting I can't help but feel a ... Caster

    I also had that thought I just reread chapter 20, they're trying to make the girl stay for leverage and keep their political influence afloat because the maiden is supposed to be legendary or something like that it's like they are trying to gaslight or love bomb the poor girl what ever you call it it's like they are trying to convince her that in their world she's given everything she needs but the truth is they are trying to use the poor girl because the church wants to be more powerful with the reputation of the holy maiden that's messed up man

    ᶠᵃⁱʳʸᵇˡᵒˢˢ April 13, 2024 6:18 pm

    LITERALLY. it's such a fucked up world filled with people who have weird morals and values. they try making it seem like a fantastic, glorious gift to be the holy maiden and manipulate her for their own benefit. not thinking you KIDNAP people is wild. hope the poor girl finds her own path.

    blob April 14, 2024 2:38 am
    LITERALLY. it's such a fucked up world filled with people who have weird morals and values. they try making it seem like a fantastic, glorious gift to be the holy maiden and manipulate her for their own benefit... ᶠᵃⁱʳʸᵇˡᵒˢˢ

    Exactly and the crazy thing is that i only noticed that way later because i was focusing on the romance but after reading the plot i was like wait i minute what’s going on here?? I hope the author emphasize how bad it is or at least let the characters clap back instead of glossing over the strange and bad things the kingdom has done/doing because now i cannot not notice it