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Idk who needs to hear this but for me, as long as the story is readable and understandable...

Damn we’re going to hell April 13, 2024 3:21 pm

Idk who needs to hear this but for me, as long as the story is readable and understandable it doesn’t mean its a bad translation. And we are so quick to shit on and judge other people’s hard work translating just because we didn’t do it. Do you think translating is easy? If you have time to complain why dont you go and do it instead. As long as its comprehensible it should be ok. They are not getting paid and you are not paying a dime either. If you don’t like it, just zip it. Im not saying the same for bots and aggregator websites tho, they suck as hell.

And for that i would like to thank yuito and nina for their hard work. Thank you so much, youre not annoying at all and i hope your life prospers with good things only.

    kaye May 28, 2024 9:08 pm

    I meant to like ;_;b