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How could Ken fall in love with someone who killed his brother? The author really glossed ...

Pleb April 13, 2024 9:52 pm

How could Ken fall in love with someone who killed his brother? The author really glossed over that. All the other characters reasoning for their behaviour makes sense. But getting together with the murder of a loved one. :/

    Buttercup April 13, 2024 10:13 pm

    Probably because he was already in love and also, Ken knew that Ian was in the wrong trying to helping the vampires. I mean, he literally saw him trying to kill Daniel.

    Pleb April 14, 2024 3:49 am
    Probably because he was already in love and also, Ken knew that Ian was in the wrong trying to helping the vampires. I mean, he literally saw him trying to kill Daniel. Buttercup

    Ya. But he saw ML brutally killing other ppl.

    I guess what I’m trying to get at is why write the character as mourning the brother’s death if he’d forgive the murderer -!who he’s only know for a couple of weeks. If anything, it shows that MC never cared that much. It’s very insincere.

    I just didn’t expect it from a character who has so far been written as kind, compassionate, and who values his relationship with his brother.

    The MC response is inconsistent with the narrative we’re getting. Like why all these flashback to their childhood memories and tears if you’re banging the murderer????

    Like if some dude I liked killed my sibling (and I found out that said dude wanted to kill my sibling). That dude is dying. I don’t care how much I like/love you.

    Also, the vampires being ‘bad’ is too sus. Vampires are bad because the church says so? Doubtful. The same organization that killed May’s dad for helping his lover escape. Totally, the pinnacle of well-meaning and protection. The financial gain was totally not the motivator at all.