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Watson was in jail when the other murders were committed no?? So how’s he a suspect for ...

hhhhhhh April 13, 2024 11:45 pm

Watson was in jail when the other murders were committed no?? So how’s he a suspect for serial murder maybe he killed the one silver hair dude but def not all of them… plus I feel the ex (blue hair red eye Kilian archduke) is the murderer bc he has reason to kill MC

Also the scene where Watson carried her and said the other dress was prettier… it healed my heart in so many ways, ik he’s not endgame but is it too bad to dream?

    lunamoone April 14, 2024 4:29 am

    Maybe because:

    1. Watson has the motive to kill the silver-haired duke; and
    2. The Princess thought that since Watson knows how the first murders were made, Watson probably staged it to be like the previous death to avoid suspicion.

    ...and yes, I kinda think the killer is the archduke too. Oooor someone might be obssessed with the Duke and made the killings.

    hhhhhhh April 14, 2024 9:24 am
    Maybe because:1. Watson has the motive to kill the silver-haired duke; and2. The Princess thought that since Watson knows how the first murders were made, Watson probably staged it to be like the previous deat... lunamoone

    That’s really possible too (I read comments and they think it’s the Adlers sister Blair or his step mom?