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very long appreciation comment

hachi leaf April 14, 2024 12:24 am

went into this with no expectations but surprisingly really loved it. both the leads aren't flawless but they're really likeable, even moreso exactly because they aren't perfect. love how yuwon isn't a pushover and knows when to say no. dojin is a bit pushy, especially at the start, but knows how to listen and apologize (he even frequently does!)

i appreciate how the story doesn't just constantly portray one or the other as wrong. there are times when both of them are either right or wrong or both and they reconcile. their reactions to situations are really believable as well. especially love it when dojin always asks what's wrong or what he did wrong instead of yuwon constantly avoiding him. he knows the importance of communication, rare! there's also a lot of other instances where events are slowly getting hinted at from the start instead of it being thrown at you right off the bat (like how dawol discovered their relationship, he was already slowly suspecting from the early chapters)

the story doesn't feel like a drag cause each chapter feels eventful. i guess it's because author is utilizing timeskips so efficiently and properly without ruining the pacing. and i love how we can actually properly see the slow progress/reasoning as to why they fell for each other. it's also really funny without trying too hard at times too.

and bonus points cause the sex scenes are so well done. the buildup is always great and the author always finds a way to spice it up. i really love it when yuwon says he wants it and is really upfront when he doesn't. it makes the sex feel better(?) since we know when he's really enjoying it compared to other BL of the same trope (playboy seme/fwb trope) where it's more dubious if they want it or not.


AND ALL OF THESE ARE VERY TRUE FOR THE SIDE COUPLE. THIS MANHWA IS GOLD. characters are far from perfect but this looks to me like healthy realistic relationships
