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Damn every got hit by a mf nerve bruh

Drowsy April 14, 2024 1:00 am

The whole point of the book is to show that Liky feels like an outsider and she is selfish and holding into these character so she feels sort of something. Her biggest fear is literally being abandoned?? Like??? Ofc she’s gonna want to keep everything the way it is even if it means “leading them on” which first of she doesn’t owe anyone a rejection or to accept their feelings. They all know she doesn’t want to date, they know that yet they keep trying to get at her. Gawdam she can’t have shit. Literally any other reverse harem girl has this? y’all get annoyed at tht too? She even said it she set up boundaries and the guys keep wanting to close that by disrespecting her feelings about it saying nah don’t do tht to me pookie i’m different Second of all SHE IS A HUMAN WHO CAME FROM OUR WORLD?? LIKE YES OFC SHES GONNA BE SELFISH AND WANT TO PRESERVE THATS LITERALLY ALL WE DO. Y’all complaining about it is literally showing u guys are no different. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    diluc April 15, 2024 11:41 pm

    lol people thinking a character is annoying makes u that mad?

    Drowsy April 16, 2024 2:59 am
    lol people thinking a character is annoying makes u that mad? diluc

    girl? did u even read?