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For people who's waiting for a groveling arc

Thirdratereader April 14, 2024 11:36 pm

You guys do realize that there's no such thing for Kim Dan to "forgive" this mf when he wasn't even angry nor he thinks Jaekyung owes him an apology right? In the first place he left jk's place because he thought he was the one who's at fault and not the other way around. Unless Jaekyung will do something that Dan would consider unforgivable, like anything concerning his granny. Although I wish JK would really mess things up to the point Dan would start to resent him~ For now I think no grovelling arc and character development would be happening even in S2 I won't hold any expectations with this mf. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    PearlGirl April 14, 2024 11:50 pm

    a theory of mine is that Dan will find out one way or another what JK did to Heesung without Dan’s approval, and then Dan will resent him. That’s when the actual chasing arc will begin and JK will realize how much he f*cked up.