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story going slow

BOB April 15, 2024 1:03 am

I know we get like 1 update a month but I feel like the author opens too manny new plot threads and then leaves them and doesn’t come back to them for the longest time. Like what happened to kouchi learning magic so he can that was introduced in like ch 60 and still hasn’t been resolved and the bride test too. And the kings best friend / lover . When are we getting back to that? It’s all really interesting and I could see this story having like 500 chapters but bro it’s a lot of open threads

    Geek Goddess April 15, 2024 1:38 am

    You know what? I said the same thing. I reread this a few days ago and realized there were some things I had forgotten about bc, like you said, the Author opens so many different avenues, however nothing is getting resolved.

    It's all interesting and I'm not one to believe that everything is gonna get resolved with a snap of a finger, but at the same time, it's like as soon as they climb one mountain, before they are able to climb over it and down, there's another mountain stacked on top of THAT mountain and so on, so on.

    So many doors are opened, so many things are piling up. Instead of paying attention to the SL, I'm more invested on how everything is gonna get resolved.

    Also, what's up with the King and the General both in Comas? I know something is up with that and I feel like someone is behind it (and I even have a cliche theory behind it), but nobody is even thinking about it or trying to get information, knowing the longer they stay like that, then the more their bodies wither away and they die.

    BOB April 15, 2024 4:19 am
    You know what? I said the same thing. I reread this a few days ago and realized there were some things I had forgotten about bc, like you said, the Author opens so many different avenues, however nothing is get... Geek Goddess

    Yeah Fr the king being sick has been going on for a while and no acknowledgment . I like the smut but I feel it gets in the way at times because once every 5 chapters or so there’s new smut. Which is nice but I also like the world and the story . it’s honestly impressive that the author of a Bl genuinely has me more invested in the story and plot than the smut.

    Geek Goddess April 15, 2024 9:40 am
    Yeah Fr the king being sick has been going on for a while and no acknowledgment . I like the smut but I feel it gets in the way at times because once every 5 chapters or so there’s new smut. Which is nice but... BOB

    "it’s honestly impressive that the author of a Bl genuinely has me more invested in the story and plot than the smut."

    Lmaooo I feel the same way! Personally, I think it has a lot to do with there being so much going on all at one time. So many questions, but the answers haven't come yet. fine. Nothing can be resolved after one chapter. Though, at this point? Meh, there are more questions than answers.