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So now he can't win any of his matches because he has a jinx of only doing good at matches...

Cyrl_a April 15, 2024 7:11 am

So now he can't win any of his matches because he has a jinx of only doing good at matches after having good s3x and he can't do it anymore with anyone other than kim dan? Ohh boy... I was thinking maybe it will be a su1cidal kim dan and jk trying his best to cure his depression after grandma dies kind of thing but i bet it will be just something along the lines of "who gave you permission to leave? You have a debt you have to pay me and I'll blackmail you using your debt to rape you so i can go on with my career and i won't use anything like a sorry or grovel because what the hell is that??" And then Dan should be like "boo hoo my grandma died, i want to feel numb, i don't want to feel anything, so i will just give into jks rape because i don't want to think about anything, because i am an incapable character of basic intelligence not being able to differentiate simple right from wrong and not understanding of when someone wrongs me and i apologise for gettin anything and everything done to me because, well, im dumb..." And just let him rape him.

I just hope with her skills the author just picks up a novel instead of trying to write something from her own mind because appearantly her skills for writing isn't parallel to her drawing skills.
