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Akira was a woman

Ash April 15, 2024 7:17 am

Akira was a woman before he ended up in the manga and i saw spoilers where akira will end up with that girl who is the younger sister of Akira's brother's boyfriend and so some people are saying that akira is straight but is he really??? Because akira was a woman to begin with so if he ends up with a girl then that's GL and if he ends up with a guy then we can say he is straight since akira was a woman but now she is a boy so it may seem like BL if he ends up with a guy but it is a straight cause akira was a woman and considering that if akira ends up with a woman then it's not straight it's GL

    Sekkin April 15, 2024 7:49 am

    yeah I remember. Akira was a woman so I thought naturally she/he should also end up with a man but yeah maybe she liked girls in her past life