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Sorry, but can I have recs...

EzGin April 15, 2024 3:59 pm

Can you guys recommend BL that has the uke crying and chasing after the seme? Not the other way, I just want to see the Uke chase for once cuz it's always the seme who does the chasing and it's actually tiring.

    Gomi April 25, 2024 1:10 pm

    uhmmm I think "Boss Bitch Baby" main storyline (a bit in side stories different AUs too) it's pretty good imo I liked that it was the seme who kept running away lol

    Gomi April 25, 2024 1:52 pm

    P.S. puhleez read the tags first! or thw TWs ♪~(´ε` )

    The Pizza Delivery Man and The Gold Palace (if u haven't read it yet.. tho I kinda doubt cuz iz famous)

    Loss Time ni Hanamuke o (Personal favorite, prepare for tissues qwq)

    Rational Pervert Romance (around the end tho)

    Kakkou no Yume (tho... I'm on the uke's side qwq this hurts too)

    Good day to go crazy (halfway thru, tho it's more on the regretting side)

    Love for Sale (UHMMM uke falls for and iz actually the one who made more efforts for their relationship to work BUT I'M ON HIS SIDE THO LOL) PS: I recommend u read it on mangamirror cuz it's not here and the manga panels aren't incomplete or missing there.

    Starting here, from what I can deduce iz... the uke chasing/initiating more or making the first moves and such:

    Saenai Oji-san to Ore-sama Yankee-kun

    Takara no Biidoro

    Love Tractor (if ya haven't read it yet... PLEASE I BEG U READ IT ┗( T﹏T )┛)

    Soredemo, Yasashii Koi o Suru

    Shizuku Hanabira Ringo no Kaori

    that's all I can remember... qwq enjoy!~

    EzGin April 25, 2024 11:37 pm
    P.S. puhleez read the tags first! or thw TWs ♪~(´ε` )The Pizza Delivery Man and The Gold Palace (if u haven't read it yet.. tho I kinda doubt cuz iz famous)Loss Time ni Hanamuke o (Personal favorite, p... Gomi

    Thank you for the recommendations. I'll try and read all of it.

    And yes, fortunately I already read The Pizza Delivery Man and The Gold Palace, since of course, it's pretty famous.

    Thanks again, have a great one!