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At this moment, I don't care anymore who is the endgame. Akira is perfect, handsome, and c...

Bubbletea April 15, 2024 4:01 pm

At this moment, I don't care anymore who is the endgame. Akira is perfect, handsome, and cute for everyone! I’ll just think that the author will create a lot of endings where Akira will end up with each of them. I like the ending where Akira become the seme with Kaede or Hina, where he becomes the cute and helpless uke for Hiragi, has a tsundere but attentive seme like the pres’ brother ( I literary forgot the name I'm sorry) butttt the relationship between Akira n his soon to be brother in law is a big nooooo coz Akira thinks of him as his own brother. Kinda incest to me. I low-key felt angry when Akira’s brother felt jealous of his own brother.
